ANDY JACQUES Chief Operations Officer

Executive production consultant, brand innovator, and creative strategist Andy Jacques, has been praised for his proven ability to transform businesses, brands, and creative blueprints from inception to definitive successes. Awarded by the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1999 as Boston's youngest creative visionary making an impact in his industry, during the past fourteen years of marketing and business development experience, he has been responsible for talent acquisition and resource management for several Fortune 500 clients in the high tech, banking, luxury goods, and retail industries. Andy has coached and lead employee retention, niche executive placement, and organizational development projects for companies such as Proctor & Gamble / Gillette, Bank of America, EMC Corp, and TJX. He has kept his hand on the pulse of what a modern organization desperately needs to establish an attractive corporate culture in today's progressive and diverse 'tech forward' workplace.
Having worked extensively with senior level executives such as marketing directors and business principals, across a number of industries including advertising agencies and public relations firms, Andy has acquired widespread experience. This has been foundational in creating innovative and effective customer experience management programs which has led to customer retention and brand loyalty.
Andy's wealth of practical experience and creative acumen are the foundation of SYNERGY's expansion into creating effective marketing programs, solutions, and specifically executing corporate partnership integration along with corporate sustainability and governance.
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